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Hokitika WWTP - Public info & feedback sessions

The project team will be running two public information and feedback sessions at the Hokitika RSA on Saturday 4 November, from 10am to 2pm and on Wednesday 8 November from 4pm to 8pm. The drop-in sessions are an opportunity to chat with the project team to find out about the shortlisted options, where we are up to in the process, and to provide us with any feedback.

What are the options?
The Project Working Group is investigating the following shortlisted options for the treatment and discharge of Hokitika’s wastewater:

  • Receiving Environments: Ocean (via Westland Milk Products existing ocean outfall) or Land (West of airport via Rapid Infiltration Basins / Trenches)
  • Treatment Plant Locations: Existing Site, West of Airport or Airport
  • Base Treatment Type: Biological Trickling Filter (discharge to Ocean) or Conventional Secondary Treatment (discharge to Land)
  • Treatment Enhancements: UV Disinfection, Membrane Filtration, Cultural

Assessment of Silver Fern Farms (SFF) options for additional on-site treatment of their wastewater discharges is also underway. The SFF options will be added to the domestic flows ‘Short List’, for option assessment.

How the options will be assessed:
The shortlisted options will go through a ‘multi criteria analysis’ (MCA) process of assessment to identify a preferred solution. The MCA process will evaluate a range of criteria including environmental, cultural, social, technical and economic aspects. 

The preferred solution will be presented to the Hokitika Wastewater Treatment Plant Oversight Subcommittee for their consideration, and following that, engagement will take place with stakeholders and the wider community.

Output from those activities will be further considered by the Oversight Subcommittee and then the preferred wastewater scheme will be presented to the Full Council for their consideration and endorsement. This will help align Council’s thinking for the Long Term Plan process.